Starting soon:
Botanical Illustration 2

Online with Zoom, all sessions recorded
Wednesdays, August 7 - 28, 9:30 am - 12 noon
 I will show my process step by step; including developing an idea, preliminary drawing and transferring, layering color, and completing a work. Looking to the work of contemporary botanical artists for inspiration, students will create their own drawings, with individual instruction and group feedback. Class size will be small, perfect for rendering challenging subjects with lots of support. All sessions will be recorded and available to watch/rewatch at your convenience.

click here for info

OIl Painting 101

Weekend workshop, August 10 & 11

The Art School of The Contemporary Austin
Adults. Explore the wide variety of options in the world of oil painting. Gain clarity on tools and techniques for both realistic and abstract styles. Learn practical skills and time-saving tips to improve your work. This class includes informative demos, individual instruction, and group feedback, plus time for hands-on experimentation and practice. Ideal for students with minimal experience.

For more info click here